Little and i officially have an inside joke. i would tell you about it, but then it would be outside.
our first day back to preschool was pretty smooth and almost completely lovely, if you don't count the hours before and after. it started sometime during what they call the wee hours (as if that makes them cuter) when a third person squeezed into our bed too excited to sleep the night before school. i suppose that is pretty cute. i tried to ignore the wisdom that poor quality sleep can lead to poor quality parenting, which could have given me an excuse to be as crazy on the outside as i felt on the inside. let the record show: i was excellent all day. Little HAS SO MUCH TO LEARN FROM ME.
she was truly sweet and playful with Liv today and i want to remember those hugs and giggles and lolling around. so skip ahead through hours of verbal abuse and accusations (hers to me) until at last she climbed onto my bed, curled up next to me, and slept for the next three hours. at moments like that you don't let yourself think ahead to what challenges will arise at bedtime after a child has slept all afternoon--and into the evening. at least i don't. i would have cried with relief if only i hadn't been so exhausted.
later i was taken completely by surprise when Little went to wash her hands at our bathroom sink
without her step stool and barely had to get on tippy toes. she is that tall.
mom, i told you to not say that to me!
mom, don't close your eyes! DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES!
moooooooooooooooooooom! NO! i told you i don't WANNA [ to you...act like a reasonable human being]
i told you i wanna WATCH! *sniffle* a watch will make me happy.
it was a day full of excitement, wonder, anger, thrills, worry, a little bit of TV, laughter and time spent side by side, and eye to eye. a day i earned.