Sunday, February 22, 2009

come sunday, it'll be all right

"i spent [5] lonely days in a brown L.A. haze and i just want [him] back by my siiiiiiide...." -jimmy buffett

hubs left me again. but he came back. he always comes back. i didn't blog about it because, hello, this is a public site and any of you crazy people could come find me. yeah, people who are related to me, i'm talking to you. don't think i'm not afraid of your brain-fevered plots now that i know most of you are up at all hours.

for the record, hubs was worried i couldn't handle two children on my own. and also let the record show that i can. for exactly 5 days and not one hour more.

when changing Little's diaper i find it useful to refer often to the kubler-ross stages of grief, which are suprisingly relevant:

1. denial (me: did you poop? Little: no)
2. anger (hers, mostly, because i have such a good nose. but really, you'd hardly need one)
3. bargaining (will bribery with food resign my girl to a lifetime of weight obsession? more importantly, will it increase the number of poopy diapers i have to change?)
4. depression
5. acceptance (such as it is. i usually have to straddle her and have all four limbs firmly pinned to the ground before she gives in. and suddenly she acts like we're friends)

single parents, please put me on your speed dial, because i am ready and willing to come to your house and help you any day of the week.

together again. i can't stop smiling.


dana said...

Welcome back to your foursome!
And yes, I've often had the same thoughts about posting info such as "the husband is out of town". Posting it after the fact? cool. Before the fact? Potential night stalkers.

Janae said...

What a cute family picture!

annie said...

you are hilarious.

glad you're all back together again. and that he always comes back :)

Natalie said...

As a recent witness to the poopy diaper struggle with Little I think you have described it hilariously accurate. Wee is much easier to change for sure!

Jana Brookes said...

It is so hard when hubs leave. I hate it, and then I'm like you and can't stop smiling. You guys are such a cute little family. Little looks like she really wanted daddy back by her side. Man she is good at crusties! Little wee still looks like a little tiny baby wee. So cute. Wish I could see you guys!
Love ya!

Man Child said...

Liv is so tiny! I guess I expected by now for her to have lost that newborn look, but not at all. I LOVE those skinny legs!
And I thought Lyza had the best scowly face s child could have, but I think Ally would give her a run for her money!

Sherry Carpet said...

megara (i think that was you and not b-hal), you're right - that is a newborn look! we actually took that picture a couple of days after liv was born, so it's kind of outdated. she already looks a lot plumpier.

Nicea said...

You are soooo funny!

Nicea said...

P.S. Little's scowl is beyond words. Truly she's a force to be reckoned with.

Sarah said...

Little's probably mad because she has pants on. Don't you know better?

Welcome to four! It's not always easy but totally worth it. Wait until they start arguing, I mean playing with each other. It's great!

Shawn said...

Looks like nobody can stop smiling now that hubs/dad is back. Yea!

richard dandelion said...

Huzzah for good men who come home. Double huzzah for YOUR good man who came home!

Ty and Trista Swartzlander said...

You crack me up. So happy you are all back together again. I love using food as a bribe. :)

Liz said...

Sooo cute! :D CONGRATS!!

On Single parenting: It gets better and worse... (sorry! feelin' yer pain!) Better in the fact that communications open up. Worse in the fact that their mobility increases and you're then left to figure out which direction to go first! :D
Congrats!! You got some gorgeous girls!! :D