Saturday, August 1, 2009

the baby in the bubble & the boy with the baboon heart

random stuff to look at:

i'm a fan of baby bubbles. the girls' awesome grandma natalie knows this and has provided well for our wee. so soft, so comfy, so simple.

yeah, that's right. beef jerky. yeah, i did. SO WHAT?!
smells like meat.
(she wasn't done with that.)

sunny mornings.

these two the next episode of 'the adventures of snot sucker & the beans: when is it time to give up the nap?


Shawn said...

Hang onto the nap as long as possible! Pretty much til kindergarten if you can get away with it. But you probably can't. Love the pictures.

Meg said...

Naps? What are naps?
I am in love with this cheeky baby and Ally gets cute every day. What is PJ doing to Ally's shoe?

Sarah said...

Give up the naps when they stop taking them and not a moment sooner. After the naps stop being taken institute quiet time in its place. Quiet time takes the place of nap time and is time to play quietly in her or your room. A place you can shut the door and still be able to do the things you did during nap time. Love me some quiet time and that can go on until school starts!!

Natalie said...

I'm with Shawnie and Sarah. Keep the naps going as long as possible. I still have some kinder students who go home and take naps. I also think naps should be mandatory for adults as well. Yawn.....................

Natalie said...

PS - Kudos to Little for wearing underwear.

Lola said...

i just woke up from one...sigh.

dana said...

I think my favorite is that she's wearing tap shoes.

Sarah said...

love the hat Wee has on the the beef jerky photos. I'm going to need on of those for this little one. Where did you get it?

Nancy said...

hey krista! it was good to see you and your cute girls the other day in lacy park. i just remembered that i needed to send you our blog - it's "theallredlife" dot blogspot. love your blog!

Sharon said...

Tap shoes and all!!!