Sunday, February 21, 2010

harry potty, and other misunderstandings

my mom taught me that women who know how to use makeup well don't look like they're wearing much, if any. when i was little she wore pale brown nail polish that blended almost perfectly with her skin. i thought it was sooo ugly.

later on she started wearing bright red press-on nails and, when she lost her hair, she built a fantastic collection of sequined hats. i know she would approve of the way we use them now: as dress up clothes for Little and Wee. here they are dressing up as, "Harry Potty."

not sure what this name refers to. she's never seen Harry Potter (though PJ dressed as him for Halloween, so that could be it). yesterday in the car we were listening to "Everybody Wants to be a Cat," from The Aristocats --another movie she has never seen. when i tried to skip the lengthy jazz riff at the end and she cried out, "NO! I WANT HARRY POTTY!"

so. everybody = harry potty? we may never know.

as for the aforementioned "other misunderstandings," i will let Bim tell you. i enjoy their conversations (arguments?) in the morning (from the safety of my bed, where i wallow until breakfast is over) and shake my head. mentally.

some of this stuff truly couldn't be scripted without the help of a preschooler. i love it just so much.


Meg said...

I remember those fun hats! Could that girl's curls be any cuter?
Oh, the joy of little ones' words.

abbyjane said...

when i shake my head mentally (which i also often do from the safety of my bed) i get a headache. sequined hats probably help that.

abbyjane said...

and ps,

me, my current children, and my unborn children (not an announcement) are ALL jealous of those curls.

Sherry Carpet said...

the curls come with the hat. she's actually totally bald.

Jana Brookes said...

wish we were out on our lawn playing dress up. it's too cold!!!!

Shawn said...

I love it when you talk about your mom on your blog. And I love so much hearing about your girls. Did I ever tell you what I called your mom when I was little? Wee Wee. Nicea was Nee Nee, Coy was Dub Eye, and Ceri was Wee Wee. That's how I said their names.

Natalie said...

From her mom to her, from your mom to you, from you to your girls. Gifts of memories in hats, in curls and in rabbit holes.

You come from a long line of fun moms and you are certainly carrying on the tradition!

Miss you all!

Jana Brookes said...

Shawn, how do you get Dub Eye from COY??!!

Sherry Carpet said...

really! i love it, though. dub eye, it is. sorry, duke. :-)

Sherry Carpet said...

to clarify, duke is aunt coy to me. deac, as i have always been told, is shawn. nicea, i think you need a new one. nee nee is nice in the meantime.

abbyjane said...

you could call her duck. duke, deek, and duck.