Tuesday, June 15, 2010

curly hair: a good place to hide your crazy

i can't speak for Little's great-great-grandmother, Pearl, but i know where Little hides her crazy.

when we comb through it, her merciful side shows too: "but don't brush my nice tangles! don't brush my baby tangles, or my liv tangles. don't brush my mommy tangles, my daddy tangles, my grandpa tangles, my lauren tangles, my PJ tangles, and DON'T BRUSH my eric tangles!!!"


Meg said...

I love that they are all named! But where do you hide the crazy when you have no curls at all, I'd like to know!

Jessica said...

That's precisely where I hide MY crazy. It's so convenient.

Nicea said...

And what, pray tell, is the difference, for I would not wish to misaddress the wrong set of curls. She is SOOOO imaginative!!!

Nicea said...

That would be "misaddress ANY set of curls." I'm an English teacher saving the world from one double negative at a time. What? It's summer.

Jana Brookes said...

is that really her great great grandmother? i see it! we have lots of curls to hide our crazy in too. although, logan's is turning more to a wave. does that mean she'll start turning less crazy soon? i hope so!!

Grady Tripp said...


Shawn said...

There aren't enough curls in the world to hide my crazy. I'm considering just letting it run rampant one of these days.

Love that she names her tangles.