Thursday, February 25, 2010

she giveth & she taketh away

good news about fierce older sisters. they can also be fiercely loving, loyal and kind.

when there's Wee trouble, Little is often the first responder: first to soothe with a kiss or a toy; first to offer consolation by tough love {"shhhhh! the sun's not in your eyes, LIV!"... "MOM! LIV NEEDS YOU, MOM!"}.

Bim and i love her wily ways, her passion and drama at least as much as her more tender qualities. we both think that Little's fighting spirit could serve her well. really, what parent doesn't want her girl to be just as scrappy as possible when she's out there on her own?

i hope she never loses it. never becomes a pleaser. i'm not worried about her being kind because she is, oh, she is. and something tugs at me whenever i hear myself telling her to "be nice." she ought to look at me funny every time i say that. i'm sure i don't know what it means. do you?


Sarah said...

You are oh so right. Those things that our kids do that drive us crazy or make us wonder what others might think of our parenting, are the very things that will be assets to out children when they are adults. When I asked Vicki what I should do about willful disobedience she said I should encourage it. What? Then she said, when A is an adult she won't be pushed around and will stand up for those who are being mistreated. well, if you put it that way.

Love ya.

Nicea said...

See I told you, who needs a book when we've got your blog? Liv's expressions are priceless. "A little face time, please, then I'm outa here. Bein' the talent's not in my contract."

Ally: "The show must go on."

Cool theater.

Today I'm inspired to try to be nice all day. I'll let you know if I figure it out.

annie said...

i was just really ridiculously nice with my students' project grades.

i would like a gold star, please.

Shawn said...

Annie, I give you a gold star. Neesh, you too if you meet your goal. Sherry, 2 gold stars for great parenting and such enjoyable blogging.

Meg said...

So fun! Where did you get the big box? Or is it multiple boxes?

Sherry Carpet said...

it's two big tv boxes. i had them sitting around bothering me for months before i finally did something with them. i LOVE to procrastinate.

Sherry Carpet said...

gold star, annie!

Jana Brookes said...

Uggghh! Wait til she goes to school, and you don't know what to tell her about the conversations that go on with her and her classmates!! I'm glad she is such a good protector of Liv!! The handwriting on the theater must be yours, because I love it! It's all so cute!