i may be the most inept chorister you've ever seen. unless you haven't seen me, in which case you will have to imagine.
if you sing in a choir, or go to church, you may have heard that the chorister gives the organist cues, such as: what tempo to play, when to play the down beat, etc. this is not so! the chorister is the organist's puppet!*
*and when i say "puppet," it should be read as a polite word that takes the place of what i actually am to the chorister. again, you have to imagine. (i'll give you a hint. it's a five letter word that rhymes with--which key are we in again?)

so i've have adopted a new goal, and that is to entertain. it's very simple. i'm like that weather girl who never studied meteorology, and who makes everybody sort of cock their head to one side and say, hm, does she know she's wearing that?

one of the things i like to imagine as i stand there, is what the bishopric is thinking. because if i were them, overhearing my quavering sopralto voice, i would be thinking of that beautiful (not) quaker hymn, 'how can i keep from singing?' and i would think, lady, it's easy. you should try it.
today we sang a hymn whose verses are printed in this order: you might wonder why this was so. as do i.