Thursday, November 5, 2009

the {relative} peace of wild things

i'm sorry, did you need something? i can't see you because of this giant pile of laundry.

this morning i attempted to break the cycle of laziness and gluttony that made me a less than average mom this week.
no, that's being kind. i was just a turd out there.

bim just replaced our burgled tv and we have made up for a summer without it in about two days.

i know i said a couple of posts back that halloween candy is wonderful and i stand by that. but it also slows me down considerable, and makes me stupid and squishy and sleepy. compounding the problem, Wee attempted to eat all the crayons in the house and i had to eat them myself before she could hurt herself.

a couple of weeks ago while suffering from a brief spasm of energy, i made this quick dress for Little out of fabric scraps and dishtowels. it still has a safety pin for a button and there is not now, nor will there ever be, a hem {so i guess there wasn't exactly a surfeit of energy}. she wore it asleep and awake for days and at no time during that standoff did a comb touch a hair of her head.

there have been words exchanged that i'm sure Little would like to take back. i'm sure i would {if i were her}.

which brings me to this morning. the heat seems to have broken, both literally and metaphorically. in celebration, i got up 15 minutes earlier to walk up our street alone before bim left for work. it's not ambitious, folks, but it's a start. {or a one-time thing i can look back on reverentially.} and the bomb in my brain reset to explode another day. we made it through breakfast, second breakfast, nap, second nap, a lull for self-loathing/reflection, lunch and then... {wait for it} i pulled it together and took the girls to the park. it was almost chilly. friends were there. she ran and ran and ran.

and that has made all the difference.

i hope you all have time to do a little thing that lifts you, be it ever so slightly, this week/end.
i'd love to hear about it.


Meg said...

Prison has destroyed the way you talk ;)
I want some crayons too. I'm tellin you K, all we need is to live closer, and then these two, who seem so very similar, can run and play and push and be stubborn together. My little brother is coming for the weekend and last night I was telling him I couldn't wait to have him there cause Lyza would want all his attention instead of mine :) I will enjoy these 4 days of watching Lyza wear out her Uncle Tyler.

Shawn said...

Can I just say again (and I always mean it as a compliment) that you are your mother: the safety pin button and no hem. Love it! That's totally me too.

Hang in there, mommy.

Nicea said...

I don't think I realized what a challenge it was to be home with small children all day long until I wasn't doing it any more. Rather, I thought all that time that I was a substandard mother with extremely lazy tendencies. But the truth is, IT IS CHALLENGING!!!! To all but the severely brain dead, or those whose genes are wired for it, like a talent they've inherited. And now, at my age when I should be volunteering at the hospital or sewing quilts for my grandkids, I've gone back to teaching school! It's what gets me up in the morning and gives me deadlines to meet. Without them I am, of all women, most slovenly. Don't be too hard on yourself.

It also sucks to be dressed down by a todler. I know. Then there was a teenager who told me I couldn't handle ANYTHING. And another who told me my calves were fat. How do we ever survive?

Barb said...

i love to read your blog. it is great. lets hang out...jane is so excited to see her long lost friend. can she really remember her? she claims she does... i am free pretty much anytime except tuesday morning and wed afternoon

by the way we have the same pier one blue pillow. nice taste!

C.J. Schneider said...

Hey there, if you've ever noticed someone from the UK on your live feed and wondered who that person's me...and no you don't know me. I'm Melissa Puente's sister in law. She mentioned that she thought I might like some of the poetry you feature on your blog so I visited it once and then kept doing so because I find your posts amusing, creative, clever, refreshingly honest. Anyways, I hope my compliments overshadow the creepy reality that I (a complete stranger) now know quite a bit about you and your lovely family. Why introduce myself now? I just wanted to say how much I loved this last post of yours. I have two boys - a three year old and a three month old. Getting out of the house sometimes feels like an Olympic event but when we do, it can wonderfully interrupt and instantly put a shine on a dull day of power struggles, cleaning up messes, the reminding of house rules and the constant effort of trying to channel my son's energy towards non destructive activities. Great post, thanks.

Sherry Carpet said...

Welcome, Char! thanks so much for the nice comment. making new connections with people is one of my favorite things about the Internet. i am constantly blurking on strangers' websites but am usually too shy to introduce myself.

three boys! how wonderful. i can imagine the energy in your house. a little hard to "keep calm and carry on" some days, right? here too. but so wickedly fun that it's always worth it.

thanks so much for stopping by and saying hi.

Sherry Carpet said...

megara - how was the tyler visit? you made me laugh with the arrested dev. ref. glad to know you are a devotee too.

shawnie - haha! i think about mom every time i actually finish a sewing project completely and think, "i did it! i really did it! so this is what it feels like..."

nicea - somehow i just can't imagine you being slovenly. trying...nope. can't do it.

barb - can't wait for the long anticipated visit tomorrow! we'll be waiting by the window!

Sarah said...

I guess the moderator didn't like my comment. ;) Love Ya!

Sarah said...

Or maybe I got your blog sites that I commented on mixed up. :( I need to keep up on that! Still love ya!