Every generation has its advances.
I don't know what it was like to be a mom in the 70's, when I was born, but those mamas can't have had as much fun as I am having now. I'm told there were no such things as 'onesies.' Could this be true? No diaper genies, no wipes warmers. I vaguely remember cloth diapers on my baby sister and the unpleasant plastic underpants that came with them. Granted, they didn't have to wrangle kids into car seats all the time, or buy a new one every time their kid grew into a new shoe size.
People talk about these days being the worst ever, but I have to pointedly disagree. I can't speak for mothers of older children, but toddler mommying couldn't be better in 2008.
I know my mom always loved being a mother, and I know for a fact that she appreciated being able to stay home to raise me and my sibs. BUT.
IF ONLY. If only she had what I have as a mother in my generation. Blogs, cell phones, cheap long distance, the Internet. ETSY! Everywhere I turn there is another creative outlet soliciting my right brain. I sometimes have trouble sleeping at night because of all the things I would like to stay up and do. I'm addicted to Web surfing for cool ideas.
Ally doesn't seem to mind. She is even now singing a song to herself and entertaining herself for a few minutes while I am busy typing on the computer. I know that later she'll be only too excited to go run around outside. Then we'll go to the playground like I'm sure my mom did with me, and we'll meet other moms and kids. And they'll be artists and stock traders and essayists and expert mothers who can teach me new stuff.
Thanks for the inspiration, ladies.