Thursday, February 7, 2008

La Vie En Roseola

Ally + Roseola Virus = Tired, sad. Extra screamy. Clingy, mad... It was a rough week for the Ally-gator. She had an unexplained fever of almost 104 for 3 days and the doctor finally diagnosed this virus that lots of babies get. In case yours hasn't had it yet, watch for a light rash over the face, neck and torso after a few days of fever. It resolves in about 5 days and has no negative after-effects.

I've never seen her voluntarily lie down to rest before, and she has definitely never been this grumpy. I'm very happy (as is the rest of the household) to report that she's back to her busy, happy self.


Grady Tripp said...

Excuse me! The grandfather diagnosed her before the doctor.

Sherry Carpet said...

That's right--did I forget to mention that? Probably the doctor never would have even thought of roseola. That's what I think.

Nicea said...

Ohhh, so sad to see little Ally feeling sick. Roseola's no fun. What a difference in her energy level from when she feels well!

Scott said...

Wow. These pictures make me realize that it's been far far too long since we've seen you guys. Ally's a full-on toddler now!

Kathryn said...

Lillian had roseola a few weeks ago. We were on the phone with the pediatrician a lot that week. It was a really hard week. Grumpy, mad, tired and sad. Yeesh.

-Kathryn Ririe