Thursday, June 12, 2008

good mom days...and other

there are good mom days and "other" days. good mom days go something like this (refer to photos above):

A.M.: Little bursts into my room with bim at 7:00. she is joyous and fresh as the morning dew, having just had her diaper changed by someone other than me. i get up, refreshed after a long and well earned sleep, and we go to the back door to send daddy off to the mines with a cheerful, 'bye-bye, daddy,' and maybe go down the slide in the backyard a couple of times in our pajamas. then we rush to get dressed and get in the car to go meet Little's best friend, Max, with his mom and sisters at the zoo, or the park, or the library, or the gardens. we collect pine cones and neat leaves and books. we play and eat each other's snacks and come home tired and ready for a beautiful nap. we sleep for 2 hours.

P.M.: we get up and play in the house and the mom (me) cleans up a bit while the little (Little) reaches for things high above her and pulls them down onto the floor. we laugh and read and dance and jump. i have time to read and write and sign off on a work project. we cook dinner (wow, this is a great mom day!) and are playing on the front lawn in the friscalating dusklight as the dad (bim) drives up. we share a nutritious meal and Little romps some more with bim before she takes her bath and snuggles down with blankie and sassy. (i mean it, who is this amazing mom??? will she adopt me?)

like i said, sometimes it goes like that. other days, like today, start out very much the same. deceptively similar, in fact. so similar that you might think, as the morning wanes and the nap looms, that THIS TOO might be a good mom day. but one small brick is loose in the foundation. Little doesn't feel that tired. she thinks it would be a good idea to continue playing. and that's when the walls come down.

oh sweet mother of all that's holy don't argue with me about this just take your nap for the love of fish sticks and grilled cheese sandwiches just take your nap just take your nap if you don't we'll all be sorry sob sorry sorry sorry.


Nicea said...

It's not a laughing matter except that it's so funny when you tell it!

miss kitti said...

I love your ideal day and wish them for you everyday.

Nap time is sacred time. I totally get the desperation.

You're such a sweet mom!

Jamie said...

I can hear a mom (or at least a grown woman) screaming, crying, and yelling obscenities right now out on the street in front of my apartment. It is 9:32 AM. Now THAT is a bad mom day. I think being a mom is probably the hardest, yet most rewarding role that life has to offer. I admire you! And I can tell that you are a fantastic mother to Little.

One of the hardest parts of my job is delivering a brand new, perfect infant to a 16 year old girl who still has no idea what she wants in life, or who she is... whose own mother is also less than 20 years older than she. Almost EVERY baby I have delivered so far in Montana has been to a woman younger than myself, and it is more often than not her second or third child. Also more often than not, each child has a different father. A few of these women actually finished high school, which means they can offer just that much more knowledge and education to their children. And it's not uncommon that my patients are abusing drugs before, during or after pregnancy. Earlier this week, I had to prescribe birth control for a 13 year old.

The fact that you are a brilliant, kind, and self-assured woman, married to a wonderful man, and bringing up your child in a home where she can be nurtured, loved, and taught by a mother AND father in a safe environment already makes you the BEST kind of mother in my eyes.

P.S. I made my blog list using the new version of blogger (I'm not sure how long it's been out... maybe a year?) and there's a page that gives you options for page elements, and lets you drag and drop or rearrange the elements on your blog. If one of your page elements is a blog list, you just go into the edit link and there are four options you can check for display with each blog. One of them is "date of last update". That's all. Pretty easy. If you made your blog list some other way than through the preset template, I can't help ya with that. No computer smartiness here.

Sharon said...

Precious nap time....I think Samuel has the same idea today. He was in the crib for the longest time calling BABBy BAbby which is for his cousin Abby! All he wanted was to play and not sleep.

Meg said...

Love it! We had the same day today! Annie's little boy Aiden came to play and we jumped on the trampoline, played in the grass, had a tea party, played with trucks, played, played, played. And yet, no nap. Elyza continued with the mornings "play, play, play routine until she finally fell asleep during our evening walk before Daddy gets home. And, even as I sit and write this, she is in the next room crying to her dad that she wants to get up and play instead of going to bed. Sigh.

Jana Brookes said...

for the love of fishsticks and grilled cheese sandwiches is sooooo right! they just don't understand how much you NEED for them to nap, and they never will until they become mommies themselves, and hopefully it won't happen like Jamie was saying when they are 16 and it's their third kid with all different fathers. oh what a nightmare. i think Jamie should just quit her job!! kidding of course JBG!! Crinspy I REALLY do not think there is possibly even ONE better mom out there than YOU!!! I miss you like the OCEAN IS GINORMOUS!!!!(times 50 bazillion and infinity OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!)