Saturday, June 28, 2008

odd but true

i googled myself (don't pretend you haven't done it) and found a faker. apparently that other krista richardson is an actress, although not a very popular one. her one film credit, back in 1984, is for a movie called -- i am not making this up -- the bimini code.

her co-star was hulk hogan.


Jana Brookes said...

there should NEVER be another KRISTA RICHARDSON!!

Lola said...

what a coincidence, so is yours!

annie said...

is the bimini code the thriller where tom hanks runs around trying to figure out how bim got his nickname?

Janae said...

Thats funny Krista!

Sherry Carpet said...

annie: baaahahahahahhahahahah!!!!!

that one made me laugh.

Nicea said...

Krista: Me, too, Annie's comment. Lauren: Yours is pretty funny, too.

I haven't checked it out, but I'm pretty certain there is NO other Nicea Gedicks, anywhere. It's a good thing.

For the world.