Thursday, September 3, 2009

sometimes i just feel like hiding out

{don't you?}


Nicea said...

Per Rice Less!!

Meg said...

Couldn't resist and put pics of Lyza's favorite spots on our blog. Why do kids want to climb into tiny spaces?

Jana Brookes said...

So cute!! Autumn has done that too! I would too, if I could fit.

annie said...

ummm...i still like tiny spaces. but it's cuter when little kids do it. plus, they don't get stuck.

also, megs, sorry i spelled lyza's name wrong on your blog! :P

Shawn said...

Heck yeah! Man, those are cute.

kelly riding said...

i couldn't even see her in the first pic! she is pretty dang cute. just like her mama!

jaymie said...

were you looking all over for her only to find her in the glass bookcase or did you see her sneakin' in?

Sherry Carpet said...

she asked me to close the door for her. when i misunderstood some directions and started to OPEN it, the tears happened.