photographing the easter dresses didn't go very well. i made two for Little because she has outgrown most of her dresses recently {and the spring fabrics in the fashion district were irresistible}. Little doesn't allow me to measure her, or try things on for size as i go, so it's sometimes a guessing game. once she's got something on, it's not coming off again unless it's soaking wet or on fire.
this is the best i could do to document {one of} the finished products:
liv is much more pliable, at least at this age. i made her some easter egg rattles out of leftover scraps {see mouth below}. i hope to get some better shots of both girls at the gardens next week when we go to see the last of the spring bulb flowers and the lilacs. remember this?
The last picture CRACKS ME UP!
That last picture is adorable! LOVE that little face.
When I have the girl babies (one day), can I send them to you for all their girly needs?
you'll probably be surprised by how few girly needs they truly have. at least mine, and at least at this age. they would both be just as happy (and often are) wearing the boy clothes i buy for them--because boy clothes are so comfy and come in colors besides pink.
still, i embrace the pink and will happily dispense it to any girls who come to me in need. :-)
Yeah! Looking forward to a new, fun dress! We are all about dresses here. And love, LOVE, the sad Ally face. Classic.
Still laughing, out and out guffawing at the torture picture/comment. She has her moments doesn't she!......and oh how I miss them. Lucky lucky Lauren. (and you for having such a sister!)
OBVIOUSLY you are SUCH a mean person who loves to torture little girls. And you are also such a gossiper and junk food eater, and all you like to do is shop at the mall too.
I wish I had less than a pinkie full of your talents. I'd be set for life!
I totally think she will be a beautiful model someday! (hey maybe she can do band-aid commercials?) haha!
Ok--that second picture is awesome.
And Helene totally does the same thing as Wee in that picture with the ball in her mouth. So so funny.
And yes, the face in the last picture is priceless. Amazing shots you captured...I love them!!
Love the dresses, but mostly I love your dear hostess. Oh, to be on the other side of that storage container.
sorry about the headaches :(
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