Wednesday, January 20, 2010

to keep me honest

poetry is sometimes described as lightning flashes of intuition. who said this first, i can't remember now. if i experience lightning flashes they are often in the form of resolutions or projects.


resolved: cover all doorknobs with purple faux fur.
resolved: send handwritten letters every week.
resolved: conserve water/flush toilet only for a dooce.

of course i don't actually do these things (except for, ahem, that last one). but while blinded by the flash of lightning, the ideas seem not only brilliant but absolutely crazy brilliant and necessary.

Liv's birthday is coming up next week and i've been trying to think of something special i could do for her. she doesn't need any more bunnies, though heaven knows i will keep finding them for her. my idea is to write her a poem; and to write a poem for each of my girls on their birthdays. from now on. i'm writing this one down so i will for sure be accountable. until or unless i delete this post. i know how to do that.


Meg said...

Hah, but I have seen it now and will hold you to it :)
Cute idea. Would be fun to make them a little birthday poem book to keep them in and add to.
And purple faux fur? Where did that lightening flash come from?

Nicea said...

Yep, you're committed now. I've thought it (the poems resolution)SUCH a great one that I copied and pasted it into my archives where it shall be housed forever more in case your finger, in a moment of incoherence, weakness or other infirmity reaches for, and hits, the delete button. Your girls will be soooo happy, the lucky little duckies!