Thursday, May 1, 2008

i've decided to waste my life

happy may day! let the blogging resume.

the house is too quiet for this to be may day, but there it is on my calendar. also, it's a chilly one here. my family will hardly believe that, especially after the heat we had this past week, but it's true. Little and i got all bundled in sweaters for our morning walk. she even wanted to wear her boots.

a bit of trivia, courtesy of wikipedia: may 1 is a "cross-quarter day, meaning that it falls approximately halfway between an equinox and a solstice." coincidentally, these are my two most favorite words in the english language.

i have some work to do today--and Little has some napping--but when we're done, mmm, boy. we're going to make a raucous may day out of this one yet. we will answer the burning question: who will be crowned the queen of may? (i think i have a good chance but Little's got more celebrity endorsements and no embarrassing affiliations with ecclesiastical leaders, so, we'll see.)


Lola said...

Best post yet...for many many reasons. I miss you.

Natalie said...

I wanted to be queen of May but with all the cute "lttles" and bigs in the Halverson/Richardson/Diaz/ bunch i fear my chances are nill! It sounds like everyone had so much fun over the weekend...I am axiously awaiting pictures!