Monday, May 5, 2008

cinco de what-o?

tonight, on my way home from a rambling drive, i waited at the stop sign near our house as an old car ambled through the intersection. in the car was an even older man, rolling along like a turtle on wheels-- rusty wheels.

and the thought came to me: it's okay to be slow here. i am in a slow-going kind of zone. i happily considered what would happen if i decided to stop there in the middle of the road all night: people would go around me. I doubt anyone one would honk. my blood would keep pumping at its steady, languid pace, unstirred by adrenaline. the sun would rise and the breeze would riffle. i'd probably get hungry and cold. the end.

Little, on the other hand, is almost always in a hurry. on our trip to the descanso gardens this afternoon, we disrupted yet another movie set and she reluctantly wore the new pinafore i made for her.

tasting the poppies. good thing i don't do random drug testing.


Sarah said...

Where did you get that pinafore pattern? I love at and have been looking for one just like it forever! I neeeeed that pattern. I also need the site for how to make kids clothes from old t-shirts.

Sharon said...

Really, Krista your talents are never ending. I should've taken sewing lessons from you while you were here! Yeah Littles hair still has a ton of curls!

LauraLee said...

I saw your blog on Cheryl's where are you these days?